
Orbia Among World’s Top Sustainability Leaders After Being Selected as an Index Component of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices

by Sustainability | Sep 19, 2019

Orbia has been selected as an index component of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). This recognition of corporate sustainability leadership reflects Orbia’s human-centered transformation and ongoing commitment to advancing life around the world.

This is the first year Orbia has received this recognition along with nine other organizations in the materials category for the MILA Pacific Alliance Index. Orbia has achieved a ranking of 30 out of all 76 entries globally in the chemical material category.

“Ensuring sustainable business practices is at the core of Orbia’s modus operandi,” said Daniel Martínez-Valle, CEO of Orbia. “This recognition in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index is a significant step towards our goal to improve our performance in sustainability. Our systematic sustainability agenda defines concrete actions for the years ahead, and is a collective effort among our employees, businesses, and partners around the globe.”
Orbia’s long-term business strategy uniquely positions the company to respond to global opportunities to ensure food security, reduce water scarcity, reinvent the future of cities and homes, connect communities around the world to global data infrastructure, and expand access to health and wellness with advanced materials through innovation and customer-centricity, elevating the company’s ongoing commitment to improving quality of life for people and communities around the world.

“We congratulate Orbia for being included in the DJSI MILA Pacific Alliance Index” said Manjit Jus, Head of ESG Ratings, RobecoSAM. “The SAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment has again raised the bar in identifying those companies best positioned to address future sustainability challenges and opportunities. This year, record corporate interest in the SAM CSA reflects the DJSI’s enduring relevance to measuring and advancing ESG practices."

Orbia is committed to transparency and progress against the company’s impact on people, planet, and profit and just recently unveiled the ImpactMark in lieu of static logo, which will put these results on display. The ImpactMark will measure progress towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing waste, increasing women in management, upskilling the company’s workforce, evolving into an innovative solutions provider, and optimizing investments. It will be updated each year to reflect the latest data, demonstrating progress toward the company's ambitious goals over time.