ESG Insights & Performance

At Orbia, we are committed to creating meaningful and lasting impact through our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives. In this process, we see ratings not as the ultimate goal, but as a reflection of our ongoing journey toward excellence. We are most proud of the tangible advancements we've made in sustainability, ethical governance and social responsibility—achievements that speak to our unwavering dedication and efforts, regardless of what any rating may reflect at a given moment. This page showcases the recognition we’ve earned from leading ESG raters, reinforcing our commitment to continuous improvement in these critical areas. By embedding responsible business practices into everything we do, fostering innovation and strengthening collaboration, we remain focused on enhancing our ESG performance to benefit our stakeholders, communities and the planet.

ESG Scores

Since 2019
Dow Jones Sustainability Index

Orbia has been a member of the DJSI MILA Pacific Alliance Index since 2019. In 2025, we were honored to be included for the fourth time in the 2025 S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook.

read more    CSA SCORE

Since 2015

Orbia is a member of the FTSE4Good Index since 2015. In 2024, our total score improved 19% year-on-year demonstrating Orbia has implemented leading Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices.

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Since 2012
S&P/BMV Total Mexico ESG Index

Since 2012, Orbia is one of the 30 members of the BMV (Mexican Stock Exchange) ESG Index.

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Other ESG Scores


In 2024, the Climate Disclosure Project (CDP) recalibrated Orbia's Climate score from B to A- and its Water score from B- to B. 
Ecovadis Gold Medal_2024.png

Orbia joined the Ecovadis platform in 2019. In 2024, we achieved a Silver Medal, positioning us among the top 15% of companies assessed.

READ MORE   2024 Score


As of 2024, Orbia received a MSCI ESG Rating of BBB​.

As of 2025, Orbia received a Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating of 18.1, which translates to a Low Risk company profile.


In 2024, Orbia received a C Rating from ISS ESG.

Orbia's Performance Over Time

Maximum score: 10
Maximum rating: AAA
Maximum score: 100
Maximum medal: Platinum
(Bronze medal)
(Silver medal)
(Gold medal)
(Silver medal)

Maximum rating: 100
Member of the DJSI MILA Index since 2019.
Member of the S&P/BMV Total Mexico ESG Index since 2012.


Maximum rating: A+

Climate Change
B B B **


Water Security


Supplier Engagement

Best score: 0
Best rating: Negligible Risk



Maximum rating: 5
Member of the FTSE4Good Index  since 2015


Maximum score: 100
Maximum rating: A+
N/A: Score is released every two years

C / 33.65
C+/ 42.33

*Included for the third time in the 2024 S&P Sustainability Yearbook.                        **Scores are updated as soon as they become available.

Reflections on ESG Ratings and Orbia’s Commitment to Sustainability

ESG ratings play a vital role in our global journey toward a more sustainable future. At Orbia, we view these ratings as valuable tools that guide and inform our efforts to continuously enhance sustainability and overall performance. However, we recognize that certain evaluation methodologies face challenges in accurately reflecting the breadth of our practices and the complexity of our industry.

Some methodologies, for example, focus narrowly on specific material topics, overlooking the broader social initiatives and contributions we make. Inconsistencies and a lack of transparency in evaluation processes can also lead to score fluctuations, even when there are no changes to underlying performance metrics, potentially causing confusion among stakeholders. Additionally, potential conflicts of interest within the rating ecosystem present another layer of complexity that requires thoughtful management.

At Orbia, sustainability is the foundation of our business strategy, and our measurable progress reflects this commitment:

  • We are steadily advancing toward achieving our climate and zero-waste-to-landfill goals.
  • We are committed to achieving a net-positive water impact while supporting ecosystem preservation initiatives.
  • Our safety performance continues to improve, and our people strategy has strengthened employee retention.
  • Our community investments are strategically aligned with our business objectives, amplifying our positive social impact.

Beyond these efforts, we are tackling global challenges with innovative solutions in clean technology, biodiversity, circularity, and AI-driven approaches. These initiatives not only deliver value for stakeholders but also contribute meaningfully to a more sustainable future. Our Board of Directors provides strong oversight of our ESG initiatives, and our commitment is further reflected in the integration of ESG performance metrics into executive compensation.

To ensure transparency and accountability, we share detailed updates on our initiatives and progress in our Impact Report and through our Sustainability Reporting Hub. These efforts frequently position us ahead of industry peers, reinforcing our leadership in sustainability.

While we acknowledge that current ESG rating methodologies may not always capture the full scope of our practices, we continue to view these ratings as crucial tools for improvement. Our top priority is to enhance ESG performance to advance life around the world. This has motivated us to engage closely with stakeholders to identify methodologies and align with evaluation systems that best reflect our true impact and align with our vision for a more sustainable world.

We invite you to learn more about Orbia’s ESG journey. If you would like to learn more about our ratings or the actions we are taking to improve them, we would be delighted to engage further.

Let’s Talk

Are you looking for more information on sustainability? Have you seen or read something on this page that caught your attention? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us—we welcome your feedback, questions, and suggestions.

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